
The Dangers of Distracted and DUI Driving after a Motorcycle Accident Leads to Death in Independence Missouri

While the exact details of this motorcycle accident are under investigation, the description of the motorcyclist's driving behavior as observed by a police officer prior to the accident suggest driving while under the influence of alcohol or distracted driving. And the accident can serve as a reminder of the dangers of driving a motorcycle while drunk, sleepy, or distracted say the lawyers of the Kansas City motorcycle accident firm.

Missouri Motorcycle Accident Has Fatal Results

b9vehicles_land030.jpgThis motorcycle accident happened in Independence at 20th Street and S. Sterling Ave. last Tuesday night August 16 around 11 p.m. Police are still investigating but an officer observed the motorcycle traveling westbound on 23rd Street at a high rate of speed. The motorcycle started "skidding and switching lanes" almost causing an accident with another vehicle before speeding through an intersection without stopping. Before the officer could catch up to the motorcycle it had crashed into a vehicle in the 20th and Sterling intersection. The motorcycle driver died at the scene while the occupants of the vehicle sustained minor injuries.

Dangers of DUI and Distracted Driving for Missouri Motorcyclists
In 2009, the latest year of statistics available from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), there were 1,442 motorcycle accidents on the State Highway System alone. Of those, 59 were fatal, 1,342 involved injuries. The State highway system represents a small proportion of the streets in metropolitan areas. Motorcycle accidents on streets covered by local jurisdictions, such as the Independence Police Department are not always recorded. And according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 81% of fatal motorcycle accidents involve alcohol.

Driving a motorcycle has a greater risk of injury or death than driving a car. From lack of visibility to lack of protection, motorcycle accidents lead to a higher percentage of injury, severity of injury and fatalities. With this in mind we urge all motorcyclists to take extra precautions when mounting your motorcycle to enter traffic.

Preventative Tips to Avoid Independence and Surrounding Missouri Motorcycle Accidents

  • Never drink and drive.

  • Avoid driving your motorcycle when you are sleepy or overly tired

  • Avoid medication that will impair your judgment or make you sleepy

  • Stay alert at all times. A motorcyclist has to be especially aware of traffic and road conditions to avoid motorcycle accidents.

  • Even with a headset, avoid talking on your cell phone. This is a distraction.

  • Plan your routes carefully and give yourself plenty of time to drive safely.

  • Avoid passengers if you are tired or distracted before you get on you motorcycle.

There are several websites and organizations dedicated to improving motorcycle safety. They all recommend refreshing your driving skills and driver awareness by taking a motorcycle driver refresher class. Consider taking a safety course if it has been awhile or if you never took one before.

Where to Turn for Help After an Independence Missouri Motorcycle Accident
The Independence and surrounding Missouri motorcycle accident lawyers can help. They are experienced in helping people injured from motorcycle accidents. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident and are struggling with the insurance companies or just want advice on what to do, contact our office. We will schedule and appointment so you can speak to a lawyer in a free consultation.

Attorney meetings by appointment only
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