One of the tragic consequences of car accidents in Cape Girardeau and Southeast Missouri is that people die and many of those deaths are preventable. So it is always good news when the statistics show that fewer people are dying every year on Missouri roadways. Many people and organizations work hard and continuously to reduce the number of traffic fatalities in southeast Missouri, across the State, and nationwide. And the latest statistics for the southeast region show that those efforts are paying off.
Southeast Region Fatality Totals as of October 29, 2011:
- 2011 Year to date fatalities - 103
- 2010 Totals as of October 29, 2010 - 118
This is a drop of 12.7 percent for the year!
Fifteen lives saved is reason to celebrate. And so far this year the total number for Missouri is down too, by a little over 10 percent. As of October 29, 2010 there were 675 traffic deaths in Missouri, this year there have been 603.
Year End State Totals Steadily Dropping
- 2010 Year End Total = 821
- 2009 Year End Total = 878
- 2008 Year End Total = 960
- 2007 Year End Total = 992
- 2006 Year End Total = 1,096
- 2005 Year End Total = 1,257
With education programs, public safety campaigns to raise awareness, and traffic law enforcement efforts, the number of traffic deaths in Missouri has steadily been declining. From 2005 until 2010 the number of fatalities has dropped by almost 35 percent. This dramatic decrease is very encouraging. The number of traffic deaths has continually declined nationwide as well.
Good News for Save MO Lives
One of the organizations dedicated to reducing the number of lives lost on Missouri roadways is Missouri's Arrive Alive Save MO Lives. With messages and programs like "Focus on the Road", "Battle of the Belt", and "U Txt, Ur Nxt", the Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety continues to work to reduce the number of traffic deaths even more. And every month in which the number of traffic deaths has dropped is one more month of encouragement and inspiration to continue and even redouble their efforts.
What Can You Do in Southeast Missouri?
- Start with your own driving behaviors. We all can do better when it comes to focusing on the road and driving more safely.
- Put down your cell phone, turn down the radio, and keep all distractions to a minimum to help you focus on safe driving.
- Wear your seat belt and make sure everyone in the car is wearing one also.
- Slow down and stop for yellow lights, don't try to beat a red light.
- Drive the speed limit and don't tailgate.
- Reward safe driving in your kids, family, friends, and co-workers.
- Use a designated driver or offer to be one yourself.
- Support local law enforcement in their efforts to reduce traffic violations.
- Wear Arrive Alive t-shirts and forward or post public safety announcements to share with your friends and family.
It takes all of us working together and each of us doing are best to be better and safer drivers in order to make our southeast Missouri roads safe and car accident free. Make a pledge or start an office pool to challenge each other to reduce speeding, tailgating, or distracted driving. Make it fun so we can continue to celebrate fewer and fewer traffic deaths.
If you have lost a loved one in a car accident or have sustained injuries from one, call the Southeast Missouri car accident lawyers for a consultation meeting at 1-888-777-AUTO (2886).