
Memorial Day Increases Risks for Car Accidents in Springfield, Nixa and Elsewhere

A newly released report, from the National Safety Council (NSC), reveals estimates for car accidents in Republic and elsewhere for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday weekend. The NSC predicts that more than 400 traffic-accident fatalities will happen across the nation over the summer kick-off weekend. They estimate another 39,400 injuries will occur.
The NSC is also an advocate for the use of seat belts as they estimate that more than 300 people could survive the holiday weekend if they wear their seat belt. They add that another 103 lives could be spared if all people wore their seat belt.

Our Aurora personal injury lawyers would like to remind you that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will be running the "Click It or Ticket" campaign well into June. This campaign has been proven as the most successful of all seat belt campaigns as it has contributed to the highest national safety belt usage rate -- nearly 90 percent. Officers will be strictly enforcing their zero-tolerance policies throughout the entire nation during the summer travel season.

Data from the last six years illustrates the dangers of driving during the Memorial Day holiday weekend as traffic accidents average more than 12 percent higher during this weekend than other non-holiday weekends.

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday in May. The holiday is always celebrated as a 3.25-day long weekend that includes Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. This year, the holiday weekend will extend from 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 27, to 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 30. Drivers nationwide are encouraged to practice safe and alert driving habits throughout the entire holiday weekend in an attempt to avoid becoming one of these unfortunate statistics.

The NSC offers you these tips to help you enjoy a safe Memorial Day holiday weekend on our roadways:

- Give yourself plenty of travel time so that you don't experience frustration or road rage.

-Halt all distracted driving habits behind the wheel. Devote all of your attention to the roadway.

-Make sure you get plenty of rest before driving during the holiday weekend as drowsy driving can greatly increase your chances of being involved in an accident.

-Be sure that all passengers are buckled up and that children are in age-appropriate safety or booster seats.

-Do not drink and drive. Even a moderate amount of consumed alcohol impairs a driver's reaction time and driving judgment.

-Practice defensive driving habits and exercise caution, especially during inclement weather.

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