
Missouri Nursing Home Abuse Cases

From our children to our senior citizens, Missouri personal injury lawyers care as much as you do about their protection and well-being. It is tragic and heart breaking when our loved ones are entrusted to the care of someone else and then they are neglected or abused. While we cannot change the fact that your loved one has suffered, we can help you get compensation and try to put things right.

Nursing home abuse is a fact and because it does happen, the lawyers of Aaron Sachs & Associates, P.C., PC think it is important for you to know some of the facts surrounding nursing home abuse cases. The Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services can also provide help and information.

Nursing Home Abuse Cases Missouri Personal Injury Lawyers Will Handle

  • Mental Abuse

  • Physical Abuse

  • Cases of Neglect

  • Exploitation or Financial Abuse

Mental abuse occurs when staff members exhibit behaviors such as being mean, aggressive, belittling, or rude. Or if staff uses derogatory remarks, they ignore conversation with the resident, or leave the patient isolated the result can be abusive. The effects of mental abuse are feelings of fear, agitation, depression, confusion, humiliation, and withdrawal to name a few.