
Missouri Auto Accident Fatality Totals Drop for Fifth Straight Year

Springfield Missouri personal injury lawyers see first hand the consequences of families impacted by car wrecks, motorcycle crashes, semi-truck disasters, and all manner of other motor vehicle accidents. So, we are pleased to report that the amount of fatalities due to traffic accidents has actually dropped by 9% so far this year.

8347_k-9.jpgAs of August 21, 2011, there have been 437 reported fatalities. As of the same date last year, there were 485 fatalities, showing a good sized drop and continuing the downward trend reported since 2005.

If the year continues on this track, we hope there will be less Missouri motor vehicle accident fatalities this year than the 2010 year-end total of 821. As you can see by these numbers, if there were 485 fatalities in the first eight months of the year, but 821 overall--then there must have been 336 fatalities that occurred in the last four months of the year.

The November/December holiday season is always the biggest accident season of the year, mostly due to the prevalence of drinking and driving, which accounts for the upswing in traffic related deaths those last few months.

Here are Missouri's fatality totals for previous years, showing the downward trend.

• 2010 Year End Total = 821
• 2009 Year End Total = 878
• 2008 Year End Total = 960
• 2007 Year End Total = 992
• 2006 Year End Total = 1,096
• 2005 Year End Total = 1,257

Reasons for the decline in Missouri traffic accident fatalities

In April of this year, the Department of Transportation reported a significant drop in car accident deaths in 2010, citing the lowest number in more than 60 years. Nationwide estimates show a 3% decline for this past year, putting Missouri well ahead of the national average.

The personal injury lawyers at Aaron Sachs believe that part of this decline is due to the dedicated efforts of Missouri's police and state troopers. In combination with government agencies, they have been rolling out new programs to inform and raise awareness about traffic safety for years. Recent initiatives have included the Missouri Highway Patrol's anti texting campaign to combat distracted driving, and their ongoing series of sobriety checkpoints which have been proven to cut down on drunk driving.

It may be a slow process, but public awareness campaigns have been slowly changing the behavior of the public. More people are buckling up and abstaining from texting or phoning while behind the wheel, which reduces fatalities immediately. Appointing a designated driver is also becoming commonly accepted. Let us hope this trend continues into the coming holiday season.

The Governors Highway Safety Association has also had good news to report in this area. Motorcycle accident fatalities dropped nationwide by 2%, the second decline in a row. This brings home the fact that lawmakers' and law enforcement agencies' safety initiatives are indeed working, and should be continued.

The Missouri Highway Patrol will be setting up sobriety checkpoints and using their effective The "20-Mile Trooper" enforcement initiative in various parts of Missouri for the upcoming Labor Day Weekend.

Springfield accident lawyers are hoping to hear a positive report showing that fatalities on Missouri's highways are continuing to drop. However, for a motorist--it only takes one accident to be seriously injured or killed. If you have been injured in a Springfield or other Missouri traffic accident, you can contact us 24/7.

We have four offices statewide, in Springfield, Joplin, Cape Girardeau, and Columbia. We offer a no-charge consultation at any of our offices. Attorney meetings by appointment only. If you cannot come to us--we can come to you. Call us today.

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