
10 facts to know about car accidents in Springfield, Missouri & nationwide

480202_broken_car.jpgCar accidents happen in a matter of seconds, but they can have devastating long-term consequences for victims and their loved ones. In this post, our Springfield personal injury lawyers discuss ten facts about motor vehicle crashes and common contributing factors.

Ten facts about car accidents for Missouri drivers:

1. The average American has a 30% chance of being involved in a serious motor vehicle crash at some point during their life.

2. Annually, more than 30,000 people are killed in U.S. car accidents. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that the total societal cost of these fatal accidents is more than $200 billion each year.

3. Distraction is a leading cause of serious traffic accidents. A study conducted by Monash University found that drivers who use hand-held electronic devices are about four times more likely to be involved in crashes resulting in injuries.

4. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), speeding was a contributing factor in 31% of 2011 auto accidents. Since 2002, speeding has played a role in about one-third of all traffic crash fatalities nationwide.

5. Nearly 30 people are killed every day in U.S. crashes involving drivers who are under the influence of alcohol - that's one death every 48 minutes.

6. Pedestrians accounted for about 14% of 2011 auto accident fatalities. Approximately 69,000 pedestrians were injured in car crashes and 4,432 were killed.

7. Younger and older drivers have an increased risk of involvement in accidents. Teens between age 16 and 19 have a higher crash risk than any other age group - in fact, they're three times more likely to crash than drivers over age 20. And the IIHS reports that 'per mile traveled, fatal crash rates increase noticeably starting at age 70-74 and are highest among drivers 85 and older."

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