Car accidents or injuries are not what comes to mind when you think of Halloween. However, Columbia MO car accident lawyers have just learned of a study commissioned by the organization Safe Kids USA. Upon reading the results of this study, we want to remind all parents to follow some common sense safety tips for Halloween fun, not just for your kids but for yourselves as well. Keep them safe from car accidents and other injuries this Halloween!
The study had some pretty dismaying results, including this statistic: twelve percent of children five years of age or younger are permitted to trick-or-treat alone, with no adult supervision. Safe Kids recommends that no children under the age of twelve go out trick-or-treating alone.
Another of the study's findings is that only one third of the over 900 parents surveyed discuss Halloween safety with their kids each year. Although most have done it once, that is not enough.
Kate Carr, President and CEO of Safe Kids Worldwide, had this to say: "It is alarming to hear that children ages five years and younger are trick-or-treating without adult supervision. If they are old enough and mature enough to trick-or-treat without an adult, parents should make sure children go out in groups and stick to a predetermined route with good lighting. Given children's limited attention spans, repeated and consistent messages about safe behaviors are key to preventing injuries."
Halloween safety recommendations:
Trick-or-Treating Safety:
• Adults should accompany all children 12 and under.
• Always walk on sidewalks or paths to avoid car accidents. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.
• Dark colored costumes should be decorated with reflective tape or stickers, again to prevent being hit by a car.
• Avoid the use of costume props such as sticks, swords, or other sharp objects.
• Check treats for signs of tampering before children can eat them.
• Never accept or eat unwrapped candy.
For Drivers and Partiers:
• Driver slowly and alertly through residential neighborhoods. Children are excited on Halloween--they may dart out into the street without warning.
• Remember that costumes can limit children's visibility and they may not be able to see your vehicle. If you are in costume, be sure it doesn't limit your own visibility or range of motion
• Put down that cell phone to better concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
• Designate a sober driver in advance of any Halloween partying.
Read the full Safe Kids report.
Some fun Halloween Events in and around Columbia Missouri
• Bass Pro Shops Great Pumpkin Halloween event
The pumpkin patch is open Oct. 21st through October 31st! Trick or Treating-Oct 21, 28 & 31- 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Marshmallow Roasting-Saturday & Sunday (1:30, 2:30 & 4:30)
• Tiger Night of Fun -- Hearnes Center, Monday, October 31, 2011, 6-8 pm Call 874-7700.
Don't miss the annual free alternative to going door-to-door for candy! Tiger Night of Fun will feature games, activities and plenty of treats.
• Halloween Fire on Ice--Jefferson City The Washington Park Ice Arena will host a Halloween Fire on Ice Friday, October 28 during the 8 - 9:30 p.m. public skating session. Come dressed in a Halloween costume and enter the costume contest for prizes.
Halloween should be a night of fun, not tragedy. And yet, this study showed that twice as many child pedestrians are killed on Halloween each year compared to any other day of the year. The Columbia car accident lawyers at Aaron Sachs & Associates, P.C. urge all of Missouri's parents to heed common sense and safety tips to keep our children safe from auto accidents or any other injuries. We are here if you need us. For legal assistance or a no-cost initial consultation about your car accident or personal injury case, call us today.