
Our Cameron, MO Car Accident Attorneys Discuss Car Technology of the Future

There's a new technology that could be hitting our roadways in the near future and our Cameron, MO car accident attorneys would like to share the advance -- We've been to the front and are reporting back, so to speak.

New in-car technologies require caution as many can cause distractions and can seriously increase your risks for an accident. Safe and alert driving habits may continue to be your best defense against a serious car accident.
According to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the new "connected vehicles" could help to make our roadways safer. Researchers tested the technology at the Walt Disney World® SPEEDWAY. If testing goes well, officials believe this technology could be the norm in preventing car accidents in Cameron, MO.

LaHood thanked automakers worldwide for coming together to help create safety technologies that can one day save the lives of motorists. He also draws attention to the milestone achievements that vehicle safety has made in recent years, but says there are still far too many people killed on our roadways every day.

According to test research, this technology could potentially help to prevent about 80 percent of traffic accidents. It would not be able to help alcohol-impaired drivers though. The technology focuses on preventing accidents that happen when a vehicle switches lanes or passes through an intersection. These two scenarios account for a majority of reported car accidents.

Test projects at Walt Disney World® SPEEDWAY took place over a four-day period. It was called "Driver Acceptance Clinic" and was just a small part of the six-month research project. The full research project is being handled by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Research.

These clinics will be looking at the effectiveness of this technology which allows vehicles to communicate with one another. The clinics allow drivers to test out the technology in a controlled environment so that researchers can record the effects of the technology and the driver's reaction of the equipment.

The technology includes an in-car collision warning system that tells a driver what is going on around the vehicle. It's equipped with technology that can announce "do not pass" warnings among other alerts.

Greg Winfree, Administration with RITA, says that the past years of auto safety have been used to figure out ways to survive a crash. He goes on to say that the future of this research will be looking for way to prevent accidents before they happen.

"Connected Cars" driver clinic locations:






Support for the project has been provided by:

-Ford Motor Company

-Volkswagen Group of America

-General Motors LLC.

-Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing North America, Inc.

-Honda R&D Americas, Inc.

-Nissan Technical Center North America, Inc.

-Hyundai-Kia America Technical Center, Inc.

-Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America, Inc.

Once the clinics are complete, the NHTSA will determine by 2013 if connected-cars is a go.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in or around the Kansas City area and feel you need legal advice, contact the Kansas City Mo car accident lawyers at Aaron Sachs & Associates, P.C. We offer a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your rights. Call 816-231-4800 or 1-888-777-Auto (2886).

More Blog Entries:

Gladstone, MO Car Accident Attorneys Analyze New AAA Pedestrian Study, Kansas City Car Accident Lawyer Blog, October 22, 2011

New Motorcycle Driving Test Implemented for Kansas City and Missouri, Kansas City Car Accident Lawyer Blog, October 18, 2011

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