
Video of St. Louis Man Thrown From Vehicle After an Auto Accident Shocks Viewers in Joplin, Missouri

1201939_camcorder_in_hands.jpgJoplin Missouri personal injury lawyers were astonished by a video posted on local St. Louis station showing a dramatic collision between a car and a van. One of the occupants of the car is seen flying many feet through the air, getting up uninjured, and walking off!

Man survives crash after being tossed from car.

It looks like the cameraman was driving down the road, filming, and just happened to catch this accident on video. It is not known where in the country this happened. Apparently, the man who was thrown from the car had only minor injuries. However, it points up several important issues regarding auto accidents.

Although it might seem to the victim that his injuries were minor, Joplin injury attorneys recommend always going to the hospital or family doctor as soon as possible after an accident and being checked out. The shock of an accident releases adrenalin, and any pain or immediate symptoms may not be felt until later. It is an unfortunate fact that many injuries, particularly to the spine or neck, only show up days or even weeks after the accident. Whiplash is a perfect example of such an injury.

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