
Summer Traffic Means More Car Accidents Expected, Reports NHTSA

768180_urban_traffic.jpgOur Jackson car accident lawyers would like to warn motorists about the increased numbers of car accidents that our area typically experiences during the summer months. As a matter of fact, MSN Money reports that August ranks as the deadliest month of the entire year on our roadways, with September ranking second and July a close third. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) records continuously report that more Americans are killed because of car accidents in August than during any other month out of the year.

According to NHTSA, August has a death rate of 1.09 per million miles traveled. That number takes the top spot for deadliest month on our roadways. In second place is September with a death rate of 1.08. March may be your best time to hit the road as it ranks as the safest with a death rate of 0.94. In addition, the deadliest holiday weekends also take place during the summer months: the top three are Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day.

An average of 93 people were killed every day in U.S. traffic accidents in 2009, meaning a life was lost every 16 minutes.

Data from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that August is the deadliest month as well. The government reports that, from 2005 to 2009, seven of the 25 deadliest driving days were in the month of August. Officials believe that the high death rate for this month is directly related to the increased number of roadway travelers. This month is typically a time when people are hitting the road and covering more miles than any other time during the year.

We typically witness more fatal accidents during weekend days than during weekdays. Weekends are a time that Americans use to get out, run errands, visit loved ones and take road trips. It's also a time when drunk driving increases.

National daily death rate averages for 2009:

• Saturday: 123 deaths/per day
• Sundays: 107 deaths/per day
• Mondays: 79 deaths/per day
• Tuesday: 69 deaths/per day
• Wednesdays: 78 deaths/per day
• Thursdays: 84 deaths/per day
• Fridays: 102 deaths/per day

The IIHS reports that more than 33,800 people died because of motor-vehicle accidents in the United States in 2009.

Car accidents affected the following age groups:

• Ages 13 to 15 constituted 2 percent of all traffic deaths.
• 16 to 19: experienced 9 percent of deaths.
• 20 to 34: accounted for 31 percent of deaths.
• 35 to 49: constituted 23 percent of deaths.
• 50 to 69: experienced 22 percent of deaths.
• 70 and up: accounted for 12 percent of deaths.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Dexter, New Madrid, Perryville or elsewhere in Southeast Missouri, contact the Perryville personal injury lawyers at Aaron Sachs & Associates, P.C., P.C., for a free initial consultation. Call us toll-free at 1-888-777-AUTO, or visit our website for more information.

Additional Resources:

The deadliest month on the road, by Gina Roberts-Grey, MSN Money

Welcome to the Summer Accident Season
, by Michele Griffin, Car Insurance Guide Book

Summer Driving Tips
, by Jason Fogelson, Forbes

Attorney meetings by appointment only
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