
Our Overland Park, Kansas Car Accident Attorneys Support New MSHP Anti-Texting Campaign

Our Overland Park, Kansas car accident attorneys understand that Missouri doesn't have the strictest of cell phone regulations for drivers. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, all drivers are allowed to use a cell phone of any kind while driving. The only drivers who are prohibited from driver distractions are drivers under the age of 22. These drivers are only prohibited from text messaging at the wheel.
To help reduce the risks of distraction-related car accidents in Overland Park, Kansas and elsewhere throughout the state, the Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) is launching an anti-texting campaign. This new campaign is aimed to encourage drivers in the state to curb distractions and to put down the cell phones.

"Cell phone usage -- particularly texting while driving can lead to tragic consequences. These consequences are easily preventable if drivers would simply put down their phones and focus on the road," said Colonel Replogle.

Replogle goes on to say that the campaign is going to be used to supplement the current texting laws on the book, which prohibits newly-licensed drivers from texting at the wheel. He's asking that motorists of all ages in the state honor the campaign and the spirit of the current law. He asks all drivers to put away cell phones and text messaging devices to make our roadways safer for everyone.

Currently, Missouri is one of 38 states that has some sort of anti-texting law in effect.

Missouri witnessed nearly 2,000 motor-vehicle accidents in 2009 because of drivers using cell phones. During the first half of 2010, there were nearly 800 accidents reported that involved a cell phone-using driver. These 2010 accidents killed nearly 10 people and injured another 250. These were only the accidents that recorded and injury or a fatality, there were more than 17,000 accidents that were reported that were blamed on various driver distractions.

The MSHP isn't working alone on this campaign, Con-way Freight and Roush Fenway Racing has also joined in on the action. Con-way Freight is one of the state's largest freight carriers and Roush Fenway Racing is a top NASCAR racing team.

Driver distractions include more than cell phones. Distractions also refer to:



-Interacting with passengers


-Applying makeup


-Using a PDA

-Operating a GPS

-Playing with the car's radio

According to, there are three different ways that a distraction can alter a driver's ability to safely navigate our roadways. There are manual, visual and cognitive distractions.

Manual distractions happen when a driver takes their hands off the wheel. Visual distractions happen when drivers take their eyes off the road. Lastly, cognitive distractions happen when drivers take their mind off of the road and off of driving.

Any combination or any individual form of distraction can greatly increase the risks for an accident for any driver, regardless of driving experience.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a distracted driving-related car accident in Kansas City or elsewhere in Missouri, contact the Personal Injury Lawyers at Aaron Sachs & Associates PC for a free initial consultation. Call 1 (888) 777-AUTO (2886).

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