
Southeast Coalition for Roadway Safety Provides Resources in Sikeston and Throughout Missouri

Most Missourians are likely familiar with this old adage: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It's an old cliche, but it still offers sound advice. In fact, this sentiment especially true when it comes to car accidents. In this spirit, the Sikeston car accident lawyers are proud to support the Southeast Missouri Coalition for Roadway Safety: like us, they believe prevention is the best way to save lives on Missouri roadways. Here are some examples of the resources they offer, in an effort to advocate safe driving behaviors:

The Rollover Simulator
Often, a visual demonstration can be the most affecting. The Rollover Simulator shows what happens to crash-test dummies when a vehicle rolls over, and the occupants are not wearing seatbelts.

The Seat Belt Convincer
Perhaps one of the most powerful of the Coalition's resource tools, the Seat Belt Convincer gives you a ride you won't soon forget. Comprised of a seat and a ramp, the Convincer simulates a suddenly deceleration into a collision.

Fatal Vision
Put on a pair of fatal vision goggles, and you'll see the world from the perspective of a drunk driver. These goggles are designed to demonstrate the different effects of increasing levels of intoxication. The Fatal Vision resource also includes SAFE-T, which utilizes golf carts and goggles to simulate various levels of blood alcohol content, illustrating the dangers of drinking and driving.

Buckle Buddy
Buckle Buddy the Dragon is a mascot used to teach elementary-aged kids about the importance of wearing a seat belt. The idea is to instill this behavior at a young age to foster a lifelong habit of buckling up.

Middle School Nick
Middle School Nick is a multi-media tool available for download and free distribution to students and teachers. The program includes videos, posters, clothing, silicone bracelets, and a game designed to reach middle-school aged children about safety. The message: Nick transforms from a nerd into a cool guy simply by clicking his seat belt.

Battle of the Belt
Battle of the Belt is an annual competition held at the high school level. It is designed to encourage high school drivers (one of the most at-risk groups for auto accidents) to actively think about safe driving behaviors. Groups from each high school compete by conducting seat belt surveys and producing their own public safety announcements.

Other Media Resources
The Coalition offers Buckle Up Road Signs and Buckle Up Stencils to make your own signs. Also, their Drive Smart DVD is full of skits, personal testimonies and driving quizzes. There are also promotional items available, like t-shirts, posters, and bracelets, which provide a take-home reminder.

Through these resources, the Southeast Coalition strives to inform and educate Missouri drivers about the importance of seat belts, the dangers of drunk driving, and the consequences of distracted driving. These three areas are critical when it comes to reducing the number of lives lost and the number of serious injuries sustained on our southeast Missouri roadways every day.

We encourage you get involved! Please visit to find ways to help and to support your local schools and their involvement with the Coalition.

For information about injuries caused by auto accidents, contact the New Madrid County personal injury lawyers toll free at 1-888-777-AUTO (2886).

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