
Missouri Car Accident Settlement Awards--How Are They Reached?

If you have been injured in a car or truck accident and are considering a Missouri personal injury claim, there are many things you might have questions about.

1116003____check_knowledge___.jpg• Is it worth my time to pursue this claim?
• Does it make more sense to simply accept the insurance company's offer?
• How much of my life will be tied up, and for how long?
• Will hiring a car accident lawyer really make that much difference?
• How can I afford the treatment I need, or support my family if I don't sue the negligent party for damages?

And last, but not least--

• What is my claim actually worth? What kind of settlement award can I hope to receive?

Understanding the methods by which insurance companies come up with their settlement offers can help you make a decision--should you accept the offer, give them a counteroffer of your own, or look into a lawsuit?

Insurance companies take various things into consideration before making you an offer after a car accident:

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